
Quick Fix for Oily Hair

Cornstarch and water mixed together work as a simple and powerful cleaner.
Great for clearing up oils and bringing back softness to your hair.
This simple rinse can be used to remove dirt and grime and help cleanse the scalp of dead skin cells.

What You Need:
1 cup Water
4 tbsp. White Vinegar
1 tbsp. Cornstarch
1 tsp. Alcohol
In a small spray bottle (works easier to rinse through hair) combine ingredients, tighten lid and shake to mix.
All you need to do is spray or rinse the mixture through your hair while you are in the shower.
Generously applying to scalp area, distribute using your fingers or q wide tooth comb.
Rinse hair with warm water and shampoo and condition as you normally would.
You can store any remaining mixture in a dry, cool place. Just remember, before each use you will have to shake up the bottle again.
TIP: You can add a few drops of essential oils to leave your hair with a nice scent. You can also add 1-2 tsp. lemon juice which will help to lighten your hair and bring back shine.


How to Prevent from Dandruff?

There are a lot of ways that can get rid of dandruff. Many products are available in the market to help us prevent from dandruff. But all are not really effective and satisfactory to help keep the scalp clean. Some might or might not help, some might suit a particular scalp, while others might not be of the right quality or may be highly priced. Therefore, I recommend some simple but workable tips for you in the following.

1. Vinegar
Vinegar is rich in potassium and extremely effective in getting rid of dead skin that leads to dandruff flakes. Specially, apple cider vinegar helps to improve blood circulation. Remember never to use chemically treated vinegar for the treatment. The smell of vinegar, in case you find the thought irksome, will fade once your hair is dry.

2.Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel has antibacterial and antifungal properties and is known to lessen dandruff in addition to its myriad of benefits for our skin and hair. Aloe Vera removes dandruff, soothes and heals the scalp, acting as a clarifying agent.

This can also be used alone to get rid of and prevent dandruff from unpleasantly showing up. After washing and rinsing your hair, apply yogurt to your scalp and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse and wash your hair again with a small amount of shampoo.

Aspirin tablets dissolved in shampoo are also said to help reduce dandruff.

The dandruff will be reduced, while making the hair soft and shiny. One of the good home remedies for dandruff free hair.

All the above remedies are to be followed regularly. Choose the ones that are most convenient for you and be consistent in their usage.


Why Do We Have Dandruff?

Dandruff is one of the most common hair problems that a great number of men and women suffer everyday. We want to get rid of this annoying problem but we need to find out why it happens first. Only in this way, we can find the best way to eliminate it. 

So what is dandruff? Dandruff is caused when a fungus (like yeast) called malassezia grows on your scalp. This results in shedding of the scalp skin. There are two types of dandruff. One occurs due to the dryness of the scalp, while the other occurs due to the production of excessive oil on the scalp. Some of the known causes of dandruff are!

Generally speaking, there are 4 reasons that make us have terrible dandruff. First, improper and irregular brushing of our hair can lead to dandruff. Those who do not brush hair at regular times are inclined to dandruff. Therefore, we are supposed to get into a good habit to brush our hair regularly in a proper way. 

Second, infrequent shampooing is the main reason that cause dandruff. It is because that it is easier for many different kinds of germs to grow without prevention if we do not wash our hair and keep it dirty for a long time. In order to get rid of dandruff, what we should do first is to keep our hair clean.

Third, proper diet plays a very important role in keeping healthy hair while improper diet can ruin our hair. In diet, we are supposed not to eat and drink too much. We should eat light food as often as possible. Vegetables and fruits are the recommended foods for people who want to have healthy and beautiful hair. 

Last but not the least, stress and certain illnesses like Parkinson’s disease, eczema and seborrheic dermatitis can cause annoying dandruff. As for this, what we can do is to learn to reduce stress in our own way and make us relaxed after work or study. In the end, i hope this article will be beneficial to you and your hair can become better and better without dandruff. By the way, I will share some tips about stopping dandruff tomorrow and hope you can like it!


How Much Brushing Basics Do You Know?

For all girls, it is quite important to choose a right brush for their hair. Do you know how to choose a hair brush and how many brushing basics do you master? In the following, I will list 8 of our favorite hair brushes and tell you what they are used best for.
1.Round Brushes – For creating the perfect curl.
2.Teasing Brushes – Work great for backcombing, and finishing hairstyles.
3.Paddle Brush – A must have for all hair types. Smoothing, detangling and use to keep your hair looking great.
4.Wide Tooth Comb – Great for using on wet hair to detangle knots
5.Rat Tail Comb – For creating the perfect part. Very Flexible and resilient.
6.Mason Pearson Brush – For Finishing and smoothing.
7.Large Round Brush – For creating a silky blowout. Best used on wet hair.
8.Styling Brush – For natural curly hair. Very versatile and great for detangling knots.
Of course, there are many other kinds of hair brushes. What I list here are just some that we use frequently in our daily life. Eventually, I hope it will be helpful for you in your hair journey! 


How to Get Rid of Split Ends?

Everyone loves beauty and hair is an important factor that can greatly affect one's image before others. Therefore, girls are in tireless pursuit of beautiful hair. On our journey of hair and beauty, we often face such an annoying problem---terrible split ends. In order to make you more charming, I will share several tips about preventing split ends here.
1. Cut Your Hair Regularly
Generally speaking, we are supposed to cut our hair every six weeks in order to prevent ourselves from split ends. Cutting hair can help our hair to grow better and faster instead of hurting the hair. If you intend to wear a long hair, you can ask your stylist to cut your hair ends only every time you go to a barbershop. 

2. Keep Your Hair Cool
Perming hair becomes very popular among girls of all ages. in fact, it will take in the moisture in your hair and make your hair dry and frizzy. Worse still, it can also lead to annoying split ends. For wearing the best hair, we're advised not to perm hair for many times, blow hair with hair dryer for a long time, use flat irons or curling irons frequently. however, it is inevitable for us to use all these hair tools. Therefore, we should remember to set these styling tools in a low temperature and cool our hair down after doing hairstyle to avoid moisture loss. Moreover, we can also protect our hair by applying thermal-protection hair care products. 

3. Brush Your Hair Correctly

Brushing hair is a small thing that cannot be ignored if you want to be a charming girl with beautiful hair. Of all the hair brushes on the market, wide-tooth comb or brush is the best for hair care, because it do no harm to our hair between brushes. When we brush our hair, we should brush from top to ends gently. Besides that, when your hair is knotted, you are supposed to detangle your hair with your fingers before brushing through them. At last, remember not to brush your hair too many times in a day!

3 Hairstyles for Beautiful Ladies in Early Spring

Spring is around the corner. Are you ready? We have to make good preparations for our beautiful hair. Here, there are four hair styles for beautiful ladies in this lovely early spring.

Style 1. Cool short hair with air feel
Fringe on forehead is permed to have retroflex rad with a ghd flat iron. The air feel can perfectly shape your face outline and apply a pin to your sided hair to have a cute and chic look.
Style 2. Cute short hair with casual style
Fringe on forehead is done with the help of a professional flat iron to have an air feel and then the hair on top is twisted into chic braid. With a fashionable hair ornament, you can become a fashionista at once.
Style 3. Elegant ponytail at ease
Ponytail is an all-purpose hair style that can be used in many occasions and parties. It is not only easy for office ladies to make but also can save a lot of time.

How to deal with static electricity in hair?

In the whole winter, most girls suffer from the same problem of static electricity in hair. When we get up and comb hair, we’ll be down to see a lion-like head in the mirror. Then, how to deal with this annoying problem?

First, choose shampoo with the straightening effect and apply it to your hair ends only. Do not apply to your scalp.  

Second, if your hair is thick, you are supposed to spray hair-moisturizing spray on your hair before you begin to blow hair with a hair dryer. By doing so, your hair can avoid from moisture-loss and static electricity. If your hair is frizzy, you are recommended to use disposable hair conditioner or night-care lotion. Moreover, girls with frizzy hair do not use hair-styling gel which contains alcohol inside.

Third, brushing tool is of great importance. We should choose those hair brushes with the function of avoiding static electricity. As I know, ghd salon has such a ghd hair brush that is focused on helping people to keep away from annoying lion head in winter. 


6 Tips for Keeping Healthy Hair

It is a dream for all girls to have beautiful hair with healthy hair quality. Some girls complain they suffer from dry hair while others have split ends. In view of these problems, i will share some useful and workable tips for keeping healthy hair with you.

Drink Proper Amount of Water
There is a saying goes that Women are made of water. Actually, water is to healthy hair what air is to human beings. Clean water is essential to good health and drinking at least 8 ounces of purified water a day is a simple way to keep your hair hydrated.

Don’t Wash Your Hair Everyday
When you wash your hair, the shampoo is removing all the natural oils causing your body to produce more oil which causes greasy looking hair. Going a day or two in between washes is actually healthier and will help with preventing breakages and split ends. There are other alternatives like using a dry shampoo or applying olive oil in between washes to keep in the shine and minimize frizz.

Taking Some Relevant Supplements
In order to help hair grow in a healthy way, we can take some vitamins or hair-focused supplements in regular time. When your hair is ill seriously, you are strongly recommended to adopt this tip. 

Find the Right Product
Everyone has different hair and what may work for someone else may not necessarily work for you. Trying ,out new products to see what works for your hair type is very important.

Brush Before You Shower
Your hair is brittle and weak when wet. It is important that you brush before getting your hair wet. Use a wide ghd ceramic brush to straighten or detangle hair after you have gotten it wet.

Sleep Well 
A healthy sleep schedule is important for maintaining the health of your hair and preventing you from split ends.


How to keep hair straight with ghd hair straightener easily?

Hair is a matter of beauty to every girl and straight hair is the current trend. People with naturally curly hair often straighten their hair via a variety of different means.If you straighten your hair with a hair dryer, it will curl back up once the hair gets wet.If you have straightened your curly hair, there are a few things you can do to help keep it straight with the help of ghd hair straightener. 

1.Keep your hair long. Shorter hairstyles tend to curl up more quickly and don't work very well with hair straightening irons. The added weight of longer hair can keep it straighter longer.

2.Use straightening shampoo and conditioner. Most major lines make shampoos and conditioners that are designed to help straighten hair. They contain extra ingredients which coat the hair, helping to keep it straight.

ghd Metallic Hair Straighteners in Sahara Gold
3.Invest in a high-quality straightening iron. Cheap irons often do not emit enough heat to completely penetrate the hair shaft. Professional-level ghd hair straightener releases more concentrated heat, allowing for straighter hair. They are also intricately made from ceramic materials to prevent excessive damage to the hair despite the high heat levels needed to keep hair straight.