
How to make your own hair lightener at home

Make your own hair lightener spray that your can bring along with you when you go to the beach.

You only need a few items and the ingredients used are all natural!

1 cup Rose Water
1 tbsp. Lemon Juice
1 tbsp. Sea Salt
1/2 tbsp. Arrowroot Powder
3 tsp. Baking Soda
Essential Oils (Optional)

Items Needed:
Small Spray Bottle

What to Do:
To make the spray just fill the bottle with water, add your ingredients and any essential oils if you want.

Tightly wist on the cap and shake, shake, shake the bottle the mix everything up.
Use when you want to naturally lighten your hair and bring along with you when you go to the beach.

Spray on your hair and lay out in the sun for around 15 minutes and you’ll have a new natural sunkissed look that brings out the natural highlights in your hair.

Keep mixture for up to a week, if you haven’t used it up, discard and make a fresh mix.

